Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Sports Articles Football

Football is a ball game played by two teams with each consisting of eleven people. This sport is very popular and is played in 200 countries. Talking about sports Soccer, of course, one thing that comes to mind is a cheapest sport most favored by various groups in almost all corners of the world played by various types of both young and old age. Football game aims to score as much as possible by using a leather ball sized 27-28 inci.Lapangan used in this game has a width of 50-100 yards and a length of 100-300 yard.Gawang scored located at the end of the field with limited nets measuring 8 feet high and 24 feet wide
Football sports history began in the 2nd century BC and -3 in China. In the baju bola murah Han Dynasty, the community dribble kicked the skin with a small net. A similar game was played in Japan with the title Come here. In Italy, the game kicking and carrying the ball is also favored, especially start of the 16th century.
Modern football began to develop in England and became very popular. In some competitions, the game is causing a lot of violence during the game and eventually King Edward III banned the sport is played in 1365.a James I of Scotland also support a ban to play soccer. n 1815, a major cause of football development became famous in the university environment and sekolah.sepak modern ball at the Freemasons Tavern occurred in 1963 when 11 schools and clubs get together and formulate standard rules for the game tersebut.Bem with it, there is a clear separation between sport rugby to football (soccer). At u69, carrying the ball with his hands started banned in football. During tn 0s, the sport brought by sailors, merchants, and British soldiers to various parts of the world. In the highest 19aasi world football (FIFA) was formed, and in the early 1900s, various competitions played in different countries.
Talking about sports Soccer, of course, one thing that comes to mind is a cheapest sport most favored by various groups in almost all corners of the world played by various types of both young and old age.
  1. Understanding Football
Football is one sport that is very popular in the world. In the game, the sport is played by two opposing groups, each struggling to put the ball into the opponent's goal group. Each group consists of eleven players, and therefore the group also called teams.

  1. Official Rules football are:
  • Offside

  • Violation

  • Free Kick

  • a penalty kick

  • Shot In

  • Kick Hurdles

  • The corner kick
In addition to the above rules, decisions of the International Football Association Board (IFAB) helped add more rules in football. The full rules can be found on the website of FIFA.

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